The Daylily Paper Is Made!

In an earlier post I told you how I made papermaking material out of dried daylily leaves from lovely plants like the one above (the leaves, not the flowers). Here I’ll show how I transformed that “stuff” (an actual papermaking term,...

Cucumber Soap

This…. …is a very bad sign. That’s my week old soap clinging to my knife. Hovering above the ping-pong table, like, a foot. Cookie dough soap. And not the cookie smelling kind. The cookie FEELING kind. Watch this… Oh, that’s not good....

Home Brew

This, my friends…. …is the worst beer you’ve ever had. I brewed it myself. I followed the directions. It’s HORRIBLE. I had JUST POURED it when I took this picture. See any fizz? And let me tell you, it’s bitter as a third place beauty...

Spicy Fried Okra

Hi Ivory, Remember the fried okra I made yesterday and couldn’t stop eating? It was a modified version of one I found on a great New Orleans cooking site which calls for 3 egg yolks and buttermilk. I didn’t have any buttermilk and I purely hate separating...

Sumac Lemonade

When I was small my mother taught me to make what we called “Sumac Juice”. Since, I have learned it is more commonly referred to as “Sumac Lemonade” or “Indian Lemonade”. While most roadside recipes tend to be in the “acquired...