
Neem oil, if you believe all its fans are saying, will do anything and everything, and has done for millenia. For repelling insects, treating eczema, psoriasis, acne and dry skin, it has a league of admirers. Do a simple search and prepare to be amazed by the breadth of its curative wonders. If it does 1% of what is lauded to do, I’ll be happy.

I made up a recipe which is 8% pure neem oil.  I added an insect repellent blend of essential oils and use it as dog shampoo. It would also be good for a hunter/fisherman/general outdoorsy soap.  Use your favorites to suit your uses. As a dog shampoo bar, I like that I don’t have to wear gloves to wash my dog and wonder what the flea and tick stuff is doing to Rover and me.  It helps, but doesn’t get rid of every sign of fleas. (However, I’ve had similar results with the most “extra-strength” commercial pet flea shampoo).

Neem Soap

60 oz. olive oil

25 oz. coconut oil

8 oz. neem oil

7 oz. castor oil

13.85 oz. lye

30 oz. water

Follow safe soapmaking procedures. I always refer people to Kathy Miller’s site, and there are many good forums and other helpful sites online.