Rainbow Trellis

I’m not sure what got into me, but I went all playschool on my new tomato trellis. We’ve given over three entire beds to tomatoes this year.  The two flanking beds have stakes that are simply painted 2×2’s.  I wanted to break up the monotony, so...

My Gardening Must-Haves

When I’m working in the garden I use the same equipment over and over again. Some things I inherited, like my spade and my rakes (garden and leaf) and a menacing-looking yet elegantly effective pitchfork–the way it pierces a pile of composting leaves is...

Knitted Corded Rib Dishcloth

Another 36 stitch cloth, suitable for continuous knitting in strips and combining with other strips for a blanket. This pattern is subtly suggestive of cabling without any actual cabling. Yarn: Dishcloth cotton such as Lily Sugar ‘n Cream Needles: Size 6 or...

Broody Hen

Every time  I went to check for eggs one of my Buff Orpingtons was sitting in the same nest. At least that’s what I figured out after about three days of it. Same hen. Same nest. I would collect her egg and she wouldn’t leave.  She was also more vocal and...

Garlicky Sauteed Greens

I love old-fashioned Southern-cooked-to-death greens as much as the next girl from here ’round, but I really love these more.  Don’t tell anybody. This method works best with younger, more tender leaves.  If you have more mature greens, trim the stems and...