I grew my first tabasco pepper plant last year and made my own tabasco sauce.

It was An Experience.

I loved the sauce, though, (on the second try) and grew another plant this year.  Boy howdy it is a happy plant.  Huge.  If I had two of them I could go into commercial production.  Three and I would have to apply for a hazardous materials permit.

Si, amigos, that is ONE pepper plant.  Uno.

At 30.000 to 50,000 units on the Scoville Scale of heat levels, that’s a lot of firepower.  I should have enough to make tabasco sauce for every He-Man Pepper-Eater on the birthday and Christmas list well into the mid-century.

Do you have He-Man Pepper-Eaters in your family who try to out-hot each other?  They keep a straight face but it’s the beads of perspiration on their foreheads that gives them away.

It’s the modern duel.

Scotch Bonnet peppers at fifty paces.

Not for me, thank you.

I’ll be your second.