Book Giveaway: Cheese and Culture

If you are a cheese scholar, you will already have this book on your wish list: Cheese and Culture: A History of Cheese and Its Place in Western Civilization, by Paul S. Kindstedt, professor of food science in the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences at the...

Body Care Essentials: 8 DIY Products

Over the years doing this blog, I’ve done lots of research on DIY products.  Now, my daily ablutions are all taken care of with homemade products…’cept the cotton swabs and toothbrushes! In the Shower Baking Soda solution in old rubbing alcohol...

Compost-Along: Week 8

When I first started my compost for this compost-along, things got real smelly real fast.  I put so many activators in there my husband remarked it smelled like the circus was in town, IN our yard.  He was right.  It was rank.  I’ve never had a stinky compost...

Washing Hands with Baking Soda

Daisy says she’s raising apes.  If she leaves out liquid soap or bar soap by the kitchen sink, the natives attack.  She noticed however, that her Parmesan shaker can of baking soda and tea tree oil “carpet cleaner” remains untouched.  So, she started...

Washing Hair with Baking Soda

I finally tried washing my long hair with baking soda, and it works! The Principle of the Thing The equation of clean, as I have said many times, is: (1)Temperature + (2)Agitation + (3)Chemistry + (4)Time = CLEAN In the shower, you have hot water(1) going for you...