Pumpkin Seed Taste Test

My husband LOVES Halloween and we have FIVE kids, so that means LOTS of jack-o-lanterns.  And LOTS of seeds. I checked out THIS POST to remind myself how to cook them.  I was really dreading unloading the oven of all my cast iron.  Two dutch ovens plus skillets and...

All Time Best #10: Weed Killing!

In honor of our 1000th post in October 2014, we are counting down our most popular posts of all time. Each has received over 100K hits, and some as high as 500K! This week, at #10, is “Weed Killing!” It’s an herbicide drift eliminator! Ever try to...

Reishi Revelation and a Milestone

Back in 2008, or maybe 2007, we really can’t remember, Deanna and I had a phone conversation that was the jumping off point for this website. As I recall, we took the common blogger recommendation to stockpile a few posts before we went “live” to...

New Strawberry Bed

Of all the typical calamities that befall strawberry beds: birds, squirrels, slugs, drought (and I’ve had all of those), it was unexpected to say the least when an electrical transformer exploded over mine and doused it with dielectric fluid just as the...