I’m starting to wonder if this is going to be one of those winters that never happened.

Yes, we’ve had some freezing temps, but all in all, above-normal readings nearly every week.


Nature noticed. The peach tree surprised me today by busting out some of its crepey pink blossoms, which I greeted with consternation because not only are they likely to get zapped by frost, but I was supposed to hit them with a dormant oil spray before bud break.

This unseasonable warmth is going to keep me on my toes. The weeds are really creeping up on me, and I’m hoping to start an enforced 15-minutes-per-day weeding regimen to try to keep up.

The chickens won’t mind the extra greens. They rush over to the side of the run whenever I come around, looking at me like starving prisoners. It would be pitiful if they weren’t so well fed.

I’m breaking out the merino right when it’s about to get warm. I made a cowl made of Malabrigo Rasta, which is very beautiful, very soft, and very hot. Maybe it’ll get some wear next year.

Or if we move to Wisconsin.

It’s fun to knit with, anyway.

Hope you’re having a good winter, whether it feels like it in your area or not. It seems like we’re skipping straight to spring, but that may be a little trick nature is playing on us to keep us guessing.

I’m not putting the coats in storage yet. That would be a sure-fire recipe for blizzard.