How to Make a Healing Green Salve From Your Yard

Nature knows that summer is going to bring with it a host of skin challenges: bug bites, heat rash, sunburn, mysterious itches, minor scrapes and more. To give us a weapon to deal with these complaints, springtime lays out an array of skin-healing plants. Now’s...

Eggshell Toothpaste and Face Scrub In One

Yes, you read that correctly, and yes, I may be crazy. My kids think so. “Are you putting toothpaste on your face?!” “Yes, I’m putting toothpaste on my face. Show me the rule that says you can’t put toothpaste on your face.” In...

Making Lemon Balm Tincture

If I were stranded on a desert island one of the first plants I’d go looking for is lemon balm. It would help keep me calm, and considering I was stranded on a desert island I would be in need of a heaping helping of calm. It would also help me sleep which would...

How-To: Passionflower Tincture

Besides being appreciated for its fantastical blooms, passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is used medicinally to calm anxiety and improve sleep. It’s thought to increase levels of GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid). GABA regulates the excitability of neurons in the...

DIY Soothing Plantain Salve Recipe

Plantain, that pesky lawn and garden weed, makes a soothing salve for itches, bites, burns, rashes, sore muscles and strains. Using the plantain-infused oil we made in this post, here’s a recipe for an easy-to-spread salve to keep in store for all the times...

DIY Plantain-Infused Oil

Most people have seen this herb growing in cracks in the sidewalk or marring the monoculture of an otherwise pristine lawn. Before you pluck it out and toss it away, consider that broadleaf plantain (Plantago major) is a nutritious edible plant and a potent medicinal...