Young Super Hero Standing on Laundry Machines

I mentioned in the last post that some laundry recipes online mix things that aren’t supposed to be mixed.  However, it appears that the users are putting them in the washer in such a way that there is no immediate reaction that chokes them out of the house.  But, rather than gambling on someone never dumping them in at the same time at the beginning of the cycle, let’s make a few versions that aren’t going to cause lung damage.

What’s in it?

Most of these type recipes include the following:

  • 1 cup DIY laundry detergent (my favorite site does Dawn, borax, and washing soda…freshly mixed I bet as all liquid detergents lose power over time.) 
  • 1/2 cup borax
  • 1 cup bleach
  • 1 cup commercial dish detergent (my favorite site uses Finish Advanced Deep Cleaning Orange Scent)
  • HOT water
  • LONG soak

Oxygen bleaches (peroxide, Oxiclean, Borax) react with chlorine bleach, creating a great deal of heat and harmful gases, and cancelling each other out to a certain degree.  The DIY detergent above contains borax, the commercial dishwasher powder contains a peroxide-type bleach, and the extra borax is, well, borax! Also of note is that ammonia is still found in some liquid dish soaps, and makes chlorine gas when mixed with bleach.  Check your bottle.

Then why does it seem to be “Miraculous”?

The short, non-chemical-formula version of the ingredient list is the following:

  • super hot water and a lengthy soak make any recipe work better
  • washing soda (found in all POWDER dishwasher detergents and POWDER laundry detergents)
  • detergent, not soap (only in commercial laundry soap or commercial liquid dish soap)
  • a whole lot of “suspension” water deposit preventers (only found in commercial dishwasher detergents, not DIY)
  • oxygen bleach activator (found in the particular dishwasher detergent mentioned above)
  • oxygen bleaches (decent one in the dishwasher detergent listed, also borax is a weak one, but in super hot water, high quantities, and the presence of the above activator…)
  • enzymes (found in the listed dishwasher detergent and some commercial laundry detergents.)
  • …and that’s before we even get to the CHLORINE BLEACH

Enzymes are awesome.  Hot water is awesome.  Long soaks are awesome.  Washing soda is awesome.  And because of the underlined ingredients, you hard water folks are going to find this recipe especially effective, since much of your dinginess comes from hard water deposits!  Andeven if the chlorine and peroxide bleach are cancelling somewhat, it’s not equal quantities, so some bleaching power remains after the reaction.

Make it Safe:  Separate the parts

Running the chemicals that interact poorly doesn’t help anything; running it all together could hurt something…you.  Do your oxygen bleaching first.

  • 2 T Dawn, 2T borax, 2T washing soda (Essentially the DIY detergent seen here without the water, which makes it lose power over a few weeks.)
  • 1 cup of fancy commercial, enzyme containing, oxygen bleach containing, dishwasher detergent POWDER
  • 1/2 cup more borax (or better, peroxide or dollar store Oxiclean POWDER)
  • HOT water
  • LONG soak
  • Vinegar in the rinse cup (to keep away skin irritation, remove deposits, and help banish yellowing)

Alternative option for the first two ingredients, but still gets all the fancy stuff in…

  • 1 cup of commercial POWDER laundry detergent with enzymes and oxygen bleach
  • 1 cup of cheapo generic dishwasher detergent POWDER (DIY doesn’t have the awesome suspension hard water killers)
  • everything else the same as above

If it’s still stained, use bleach safely

  • 1 cup bleach-safe commercial detergent (or bleach safe DIY = 2T ammonia free dishsoap, 2-4T washing soda)
  • 1 cup of chlorine bleach
  • HOT water
  • LONG soak
  • Vinegar in the rinse cup

If it’s not stained anymore, but it just doesn’t knock your socks off

  • Any laundry detergent you prefer
  • Something that will return the factory bluing and optical whiteners (like White Brite)
  • HOT water
  • LONG soak
  • Vinegar in the rinse cup
  • Dried in the SUN if you want the brighteners to REALLY fluoresce for you!