Homemade Lime Extract

I want to make lime extract today. I think it would taste amazing in tangy shortbread cookies speckled with little bits of lime zest. I found two different recipes for lime extract, and I may try both of them for comparison. Can’t have too much lime anything...

Homegrown Popcorn

Hey, look at this really pretty ear of popcorn!!!! Now, look at it again. Kinda tiny, eh? And that’s my ONLY ear. I don’t even think I can call it an ear. Ear-ette. But, I am telling you right now…I’m a-gonna dry that bad boy and try to pop it....

Blueberry-Peach Conserve

I had pretty much given up on my peach trees. After all, they were impulse buys at the garden center, little “Patio Peaches” which are only about 4 feet tall at maturity. Year after year, they lived up to their promise in terms of ornamental value only,...

Soft, Carpet-free Floors

Check me out!!! This is a little more ‘suburban’ than our usual projects, but it’s still out there on the do-it-yourself fringe so I thought someone might like to see it. My oldest son has The Dreaded Asthma, so we’ve cheerfully replaced most...

How to Raise Backyard Laying Chickens

Okay, now that I’ve done this for a while, I feel like I might have some things to say that would make it easier to get your own backyard chicken flock going. First, you need chickens. If you order them from McMurray, you can get vaccinated chicks that are one...