A Very Excellent Granola

With well over a thousand posts and goodness-knows-how-many recipes, it came as a shock for me to realize we only had ONE granola recipe. That is unacceptable for such a crunchy blog. Our only recipe (until now, that is) is Deanna’s delicious grain-free version,...

Purslane and Cucumber Salad

Deanna’s been talking weeds lately, so I thought I’d continue the theme with one of my favorite weeds, purslane. Purslane is unique among weeds in that it lacks the bitterness typically associated with many of the common weeds we eat, like dandelion and...

Pumpkin Seed Taste Test

My husband LOVES Halloween and we have FIVE kids, so that means LOTS of jack-o-lanterns.  And LOTS of seeds. I checked out THIS POST to remind myself how to cook them.  I was really dreading unloading the oven of all my cast iron.  Two dutch ovens plus skillets and...