How to Dead Head

Pansies are such a welcome sight in thirty degree weather. And I would have a lot more blooms than this, if I’d kept up with my dead-heading.Dead-heading is just a fun term for removing fading blooms, so others can come in. Why does this work? It’s not...

Quick Dry Dishcloth

This is my new favorite dishcloth. It works up quickly. It’s pretty. And, it dries fast, so no stinkification.Quick Dry Dishcloth(If you’re familiar with pattern stitches, just do the Lacy V’s three times and border.)H needle, WW cottonCh 29 Row1: Dc...

A Week of Sandwiches in a Day

I learned a great trick a few months back. FREEZING pb&j. Now, I can make enough for a week, or more, all at once. Here’s the method. 1. Lay out your bread. 2. On EACH slice, spread some peanut butter almost to the very edge. 3. On EACH (or every other)...

Miraculous No-Sew Rag Bag

A while back, I did a post called Secrets of the No-Sew Rag Rug. The main difficulty with those rugs is braiding them in such a way that they remain FLAT. But, then I thought, what if I LET it be UN-FLAT? It made a cutie bag! 1. I cut about 1.5 yards of remnant fleece...

Homemade Sunscreen

Just in time for winter! Sunscreen recipe! My timing might not be particularly awesome. On the other hand, the sun does shine year round. (Although it isn’t making much of an appearance here today). This recipe makes a sunscreen that contains emollient...