Harvesting Coriander

If you grow cilantro for its leaves and have never let any of it go to seed, you are missing out on Chapter 2 of this herb. Cilantro will flower (with a fragrance only its mother could love, maybe) then form seed pods. After the seeds pods have dried (in situ is...

Zucchini Fritters

It’s getting to be that “what-am-I-going-to-do-with-all-this-zucchini” time of year!  Here’s my FAVORITE zucchini recipe. Zucchini Fritters 2 pounds zukes salt 1 onion ~1/2 cup whole wheat flour 2 eggs salt and pepper 1. Wash zukes. 2. Grate...

Chicks: Week Two

The new flock is growing up. They’re starting to show some personality. One of my Buff Orpingtons is fearless and friendly and comes right up to me. One of the Black Australorps is extra-curious and enjoys perching on my finger.  The Easter Eggers are very...

Guinea Hens

Guess what I found while I was out buying rain barrels in Atoka?  Baby Guineas!!!  These suckers are SO HARD to find this year, what with everyone jumping on the uber-cool backyard fowl train. This is a nine dollar cup of chicks.  And when they grow up, (if they...

Tomato Basil Soup

1 medium onion, chopped 4 cloves garlic, chopped 1 jalapeno pepper, chopped 1 T. oil 1 quart fresh tomatoes, coarsely chopped 2 cups chicken or vegetable broth 6-8 leaves fresh basil, chopped salt and pepper to taste 1 Tablespoon butter, optional Extra basil for...