8 Ways to Lower Your Grocery Bill

Most of what TL and I do, we just do cause we’re strange.  But in tough economic times, our eccentricities may be of interest to others. Why? Because our weird Little House lifestyle is naturally low cost!  So, here are eight ways that being eccentric like us...

Chicks: Week Three

The babies are losing their fluff and putting on big bird feathers. Remember this cheeky beak from last week? See how she’s grown: Still cheeky, though. I brought them a treat. What’re you lookin’ at? Never seen a chicken before?...

Pergo Soap Mold

While looking around my shop for scrap wood to make a new soap mold I started to look at some old pieces of Pergo flooring left over from an old project. The non-porous surface seemed like it might release from the soap during unmolding better than wood so I put a...


We don’t use the R-word.  It’s a super-mouse.  Or now super-mice.  And it’s all my fault.  Three guesses what’s in those well-sealed buckets and coolers. Something that was in a paper bag that I wondered how all the grains were...


After my first aerogarden herb crop–I’ve had trouble growing anything else in there.  But, since we’re past lettuce season, I decided to give it another try.  So far, the five middle cells work, but the two outer ones are still duds. And that nifty...