Keeping Warm

If it snows anything like it has been raining in my neck of the woods this year, we are in for a lot of power outages. Ice is all twinkly and everything and goodness knows there’s nothing like a good snowball fight, but there’s very little fun associated...

Blackberry Leaf Decoction

As I was trimming back a few blackberry shoots I got to thinking–Aren’t blackberry leaves Something–you know, something in their own right other than the prickly part of blackberry production? As it turns out, they are something. High in tannins and...

Wimpy Snap Repair

When a favorite shirt became unwearable recently I was asked to fix the snaps. My first thought was, “You can’t fix snaps.” But then I figured it was worth some research and, whadyaknow, you can fix snaps. It’s easy. Take a pair of pliers and...