Save Money with a Supply Journal

I’m so jealous when I watch Jane Austen-ish movies and Father furrows his brow and says something like, “We won’t have enough to buy coal through the winter.  We’ll be out by December.”  Huh? How does he know that?  And the general store...

The Cup

I have certain items which, when lost or broken, I have difficulty replacing. I’m specifically thinking now of items in my kitchen drawer, aka The Drawer.  For example, I’ve needed a new set of measuring cups for literally YEARS now and only recently got...


If I were restricted to only one garden plant (I was going to say vegetable but we all know what a kettle of fish the fruit-veg debate re tomatoes is) it would have to be the tomato. As I’ve mentioned before, we have three beds of them this year, that’s...

Broody Hen Update

Our broody has finally rejoined the flock. It took a good two months, but she seems fine and her comb is perking up and getting redder (it turned pink when she was broody and not laying). We never did anything to break her of it, and it turned out okay. I’ve...