Fireworks Ponytail Holder

Today’s felting tutorial comes courtesy of Melanie McMinn, an American expat who lives in Northland, New Zealand and blogs at the Frugal Kiwi. She moved to the Southern Hemisphere eight years and she’s had a non-stop migraine/chronic headache since 2009....

Make Your Own Nifty Seed Tape

Seed tape is one of those things people have a strong opinion about.  Either you love it and think it sounds very useful, or you think:  Seriously?  Seed tape? I was one of the latter until recently when I realized how easily I could make my own seed tape,...

Sentimental Pencil Holder

Damaged in a storm many years ago, this oak caught just the right wind one dark night recently and now is no more.  We kept the lumber and are trying to make the most of it. This tree stood here for a hundred years and has meant a lot to our family for the last sixty...

Ladder Stitch Dishcloth

Ladder Stitch Dishcloth G needle, worsted weight cotton ch 33 row 1:  sc in 2nd ch from hook, skip 2 ch, 3 dc in next ch, (ch 3, skip 3 ch, sc in next ch, skip 2 ch, 3 dc in next ch) 4 times. row 2:  ch 1, turn, sc in first dc, skip 2 dc, 3 dc in next sc, (ch 3 , sc...