Goat Poisoning Emergency

  In the three years that I’ve had the goats, I’ve never had to take them to a vet for shots or anything.  But, yesterday my husband texted me Sylvie foaming at the mouth and looks like hell.  I called my trusty goat advisor and she said it was likely...

Making Homemade Luffa Soap

The luffa soap is done. Here’s how I did it. First, I grew some luffa gourds. And prepared them sponge-style. You can buy luffas already prepared.  I’ve never done it so I don’t have a recommended seller, but you can do an online search and...

Building a Sawbuck

After I built a sawbuck I was watching a movie.  In front of a remote woodland cabin in the Russian wilderness was a sawbuck.  I never would have noticed it before I had my own.  I’ll probably start seeing them everywhere now. It was the same when I built a...

Book Giveaway–Perennial Vegetables

This is the book I’ve been waiting for and didn’t even know it. And the timing is perfect. I’ve been so excited about permaculture, and perennial vegetables are a big reason why.  BUT, after asparagus and rhubarb, I’ve been sort of clueless...