5 Ways to Live Seasonally In May

1.  Find your farmer’s markets Most markets are open now. We have seven in our area. There’s one open every day of the week. Not only are there fresh greens, but the egg season has started (Valentine’s to Halloween), and the mama animals are making lots of...

Live Seasonally to Live Simply

                  To everything, there is a season, unless you live in the burbs and the seasons are totally obscured by shipments from Mexico and California. Reduces Your To Do List Pioneer homesteaders lived seasonally. ...

Book Giveaway–The Art of Fermentation

If I had this book last year, I wouldn’t have thrown out (and buried, yes, buried) a gallon of naturally fermented purple cabbage in my backyard.  I would’ve just scooped off the horrid slimey mold on top, and enjoyed the brilliant kraut underneath. I need...

Tomato Suckers And How NOT To Make A Video

Most mainstream advice on tomato care includes the recommendation to prune out tomato suckers.  Suckers are those little leaf growths (little in the beginning, anyway–they can get huge) in the axil of the tomato plant. The axil is the name for the joint where...

Twitter Advice, Please!

I’m so slow getting into the Twitter. I started an account, put up a couple of tweets, kept forgetting to log in, etc. One thing stopping me is that I don’t know what people really like about Twitter and what they consider to be a worthwhile tweet. Any...