Undersink Makeover

I follow a Swedish design/diy blog called Chez Larsson.  I think Deanna is amazed anew every time I mention that I follow a bunch of design blogs because I’m not exactly a stylista.  No shock there, I’m sure. The main thing that keeps me tuned to this...

Top-Bar Beekeeping Book Giveaway

I was so excited when I learned Chelsea Green was publishing a Top Bar Beekeeping book!  Finally, a book on beekeeping dedicated specifically to us top bar folks! Well-written, comprehensive, and extremely helpful for the beginner and not-so-beginner alike, Top-Bar...

Garden Update: Late Summer 2012

Daisy here again, emerging from my sabbatical to report on what’s going on in our garden here at the beginning of  September. For the third time, I’ve seeded late season lettuce for a fall and winter crop.  Hopefully this time the seeds will feel...


I’ve been absent without leave for way longer than I ever thought I would be. It’s so easy to let go and stop blogging when you have a wonderful co-blogger to pick up the slack. Like everyone else, I’ve been busy with this and that. Here’s my...