Interview with a Novelist

My sweet friend Courtney Miller Santo has written a novel, The Roots of the Olive Tree, and I pestered her to let me interview her on the blog. The novel’s setting is one I believe many people with at least one foot in the rural life would appreciate: a working...

Chicks Update

I’ve got a second video of Idee’s chicks on YouTube now.  Obviously, they’re practically full grown now, but this one shows their first ventures beyond the fluffy underbelly of Mom. We ended up with six little poof balls.  Two silver-laced...

Homemade Child’s Watercolors Tutorial

I worked for ages trying to find out WHY all of the recipes online for water colors use a mixture of acid and base.  It didn’t seem to make sense.  But, when I tried the recipes with and without the fizzy reaction, the fizzies were far superior paints.  Less...

We Have a Rooster

When I decided to get hatching eggs, I knew the odds were against A. a full hatch, and B. all hens. As it turned out, we went 50% on the hatch: six out of twelve eggs hatched, and a little better than that on the male/female ratio: 4 hens, 2 cockerels. I gave away the...