Home Farm Deals and Neat Stuff

A handful of home farm staples, treats, and neat stuff I’ve run across in my travels across the web this week.I have a giant soft spot for this slouchy, feminine style from the 20’s and 30’s. It makes me think of those cozy English mysteries on PBS I...

Asparagus Murder

My landscape guy cleaned out my asparagus beds.   Considering the below picture more closely resembles my bed last year…. It’s a bit of a travesty.  See below. I think two out of six mature plants survived.  They used to run in a hedge the length of my...

Home Farm Deals

This is a weekly post in which I link to deals, interesting finds, and cool stuff related to home farming and sustainable living. Love the nostalgic vintage vibe of this metal sign from MyPet Chicken. On sale for $9. It’s storm season. “This Eton American...

AMAZING Herbal Smoothie

I was feeling sort of yuck one afternoon; I think it was the weather, raining one minute and sunny, hot, and desperately humid the next.  Then more rain. Stuck inside the house under those meteorological circumstances wasn’t doing me any good. I decided what I...

Chokeberry: The Next Superfood?

With three times the antioxidants of that other superfood, the blueberry, Aronia melanocarpa, or chokeberry, may be poised to become one of the next superfood sweethearts of the nutrifood industry. Why wait, though, when you can have a chokeberry in your own backyard?...