I have been in love with the smell of Ivory Soap since college, so no matter how hard I try, I just can’t quit loving it, even in favor of something I make myself.  So, for body and laundry, I still buy it rather than using my own homemade version.  For GIFTS, though, I totally make it myself.

But I still never buy conditioner. If ever I need something in that department, I still reach for dilute apple cider vinegar. I have yet to need real “conditioning” apart from restoring the acid pH of my hair. I can run my fingers right through it.

Also, still DIY is my love affair with baking soda. If ever I need a face scrub, I use baking soda in my cleanser. I use it to brush my teeth. I use it to scrub dirty hands. It’s the best!


The last item is lotion. For an actual skin issue, I much prefer my own lotion bars, but we find that we keep around store-bought lotion anyway. “Rub my feet.” Lotion bars just feel weird for that…