I blew a flat. I properly vented the thing, but when I squished it after 15 minutes, I thought it still felt 100% hard. So I popped it in for five more minutes and it blew it’s guts all over the place. This pic is even after some cleaning. My fav is the pieces hanging from the roof of the micky.
You should try to microwave a hardboiled peeled egg for some 30 sec.
Nice squash! …for some REAL excitement, throw an uncooked egg still-in-the-shell in for 3 mins. Depending on the power of your (freinds’?) microwave, at about 1:40 you might get a high-speed omlette!
Reminds me of the time I blew pinto beans all over my ceiling……I was cooking them in the pressure cooker and forgot. I won’t do it again!
Bahahahahaha! That is just way to funny. I have exploded potatos but never a squash. Looks fun, maby Ill try it once;-) LOL