Some folks collect and store their own seeds. Some folks buy and store their seeds. But, what you do not want to do is buy new seed every year if you don’t have to, right? And most of the seed you buy this season can be kept for 3-5 years!

Materials Needed:

TBSP dry milk (absorbs damaging moisture)
shred of hankie, or other small cloth
rubber band
clean pickle jar
sharpie or other pen

1. Place dry milk in center of cloth and gather up sides.

2. Fasten closed with rubber band.

3. Drop inside pickle jar.

4. Gather seed packets and find the date on the back.

(If you only see a Sell Buy date, assume that it was collected and packaged one year previous.)

5. Download our pdf chart for how long different plant seeds last if stored properly and write the expiration date on the front of the packet and drop in jar with milk packet.

6. Close and refrigerate.
