Media Kit

Deanna Caswell and Daisy Siskin welcome opportunities to share seasonal interviews, articles, and video segments with the media.  You have always been kind to us.

Images and Short Biographies

Images of Deanna Caswell and Daisy Siskin for promotional and media use.  HERE.

Deanna Caswell is an award-winning picture book author.  Daisy Siskin is a columnist for Birds and Blooms.  Together, they co-author the popular website Little House in the Suburbs (over 100K visits/month) and co-wrote Little House in the Suburbs: Backyard Farming and Home Skills for Self Sufficient Living (Betterway Home, 2012).  Both Deanna and Daisy each live in the suburbs with eight chickens, half as many children, two goats or two rabbits (respectively), and very understanding husbands.

Oppenheim Toy Portfolio AwardIndie Next List, Kirkus Star
Deanna Caswell is represented by Steven Malk, Writer’s House

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