Lazy Recycling

I noticed the other day after breakfast this was all the waste left over after the meal: Except for the fruit sticker, it all goes to the chickens where it will be recycled as eggs and fertilizer. It’s not always like this; believe me, sometimes our trash can...

Please Excuse Our Dust

As you can probably see, our blog is having a bad hair day.We’ve been experiencing technical difficulties and are in the process of working things out. In the meantime we’re looking rather frazzled, so please bear with us while we push and shove and...

Home Farm Deals and Cool Stuff

How cute is this? Seed bombs packaged like luxury bon bons.  From Etsy, $16. Unique hostess gift for that gardening friend. Ready for frost, bugs, or too much sun. Agribon floating row cover fabric, 50 feet long, 83 inches wide, on sale for $22.45 from Johnny’s...

Chicken Of The Woods

It sounds like a (bad) joke: What kind of mushroom grows in a chicken run? Answer: Chicken Of The Woods! When I posted this photo to our Facebook page asking for help identifying the mushroom that sprung up overnight on a cherry log next to the chicken coop, I got...

Bumblebee Moth

When we first saw this huge moth feeding on the butterfly bush, my first thought was, “It looks like a cross between a hummingbird and a bumblebee!” It’s actually a Bumblebee Moth (Hemaris diffinis), also known as a Snowberry Clearwing Moth, to the...