Trompe l’oeil Rain Barrel Tutorial

I had a lot of options and a lot of ideas when it came to painting the seriously blue plastic barrel we were converting into a rain barrel. I thought of flowers or butterflies (or both), but when it was suggested I paint the thing to look like a barrel, well, that...

October Hibiscus

In August, I mentioned that I was waiting impatiently for the roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) I planted in the garden this Spring to bloom. It turns out there was a good reason my roselle was taking a long time to bloom. Roselle takes a long time to bloom. I just needed...

Fiber Joy

I want to share with you a little something I’ve been working on. It’s my first ever handspun. It’s not much, and goodness knows if you’re a spinner you know it’s horrible.  But it’s mine. And it’s not just handspun.  Hand...

Grapevine Wreath Bird Feeder

If you’ve ever been torn between the desire to tidy up the dead seed heads of spent summer blooms and the knowledge that you would be taking away a food source for wild birds, this is a project that will give you (and the birds) the best of both worlds. Trim back...

Super Easy Liquid Soap or Shampoo

I’ve read many methods for making liquid soap.  Most people agree making liquid soap from scratch, that is, from oils and potassium hydroxide, is tricky at best.  Reports of solidifying and separating are pretty universal.  I tried my hand at it a long time ago,...