by Daisy | May 7, 2009 | Barnyard, Mini Goats
Goats don’t ask for much. A roof over their heads and some bedding on the ground. Unlike dogs, they feel no need to come in at night and sleep soundly until morning.For bedding, I suggest straw. Cheap, fluffy, and makes great mulch or compost after it’s...
by Daisy | May 2, 2009 | Barnyard, Mini Goats
Before I get to the feeding part…Guess who gets to keep her goats???? ME! Feeding a goat in your yard requires two things: Fiber and Feed 1) FIBER–always available, never let them run out. Keep lots of hay (~$6 a bale, lasts long time) around to make sure...
by Daisy | Apr 30, 2009 | Barnyard, Mini Goats
On the left you have straw. On the right you have hay. Can you see it? Hay is greenish, dried grass. Straw is what’s left over once grain is harvested. One has plenty of nutrients, one doesn’t. There in lies the lesson. If you are FEEDING an animal, get...
by Daisy | Apr 27, 2009 | Barnyard, Laying Hens
Building a chicken fence seemed like a really big deal until I did it. Here’s the recipe:-Enough 4 or 5 foot “T” or “U” posts at Depot or Lowes to space them about five feet apart. (This is the pricey item.)-ton of long zip ties-50 or 100...
by Daisy | Apr 6, 2009 | Barnyard, Laying Hens
Overheard between Ivory and T.L.: T.L.: I’m making a nesting box out of that pallet I picked up in my neighbor’s garbage. Ivory: That’s cool. T.L.: It’s turning out kinda rough. Ivory: Do you think you can pretty it up any? T.L.: I dunno....
by Daisy | Dec 31, 2008 | Barnyard, Laying Hens
Of all the animals I’ve ever owned (which really only covers dogs, rabbits, and fish), chickens are the easiest. All they ask is a house and something to eat and they give you eggs. However, there are a few things you should know before rushing out and buying...