Making Soap from Kitchen Grease

If you’re saying to yourself, “Ivory, I don’t wanna to BUY fat to make my soap. I have plenty of fat in my grease can!” then this is the post for you. So, how do we turn icky, blech-y, Mr. Ivory-should-be-ashamed-of-how-much-bacon-he-eats kitchen grease into glorious,...

Homemade Lard or Crisco Soap

Lard soap and Crisco soap are LOW BUBBLING soaps, which make them especially good for laundry and scrubbing yicky stuff around the house. Additionally, they are CHEAP AS ALL GET-OUT to make. They’re the only soaps I’ve found that can beat Ivory on price....

Slow Cooker Hot Process Soap Recipe

This Slow Cooker Hot Process Soap Recipe is a good first-timer soap recipe choice. The advantage of hot process recipes are that the bars are ready almost immediately, rather than having to wait the month or more before you could use Cold Process soap. Why Make Soap?...