Building a Sawbuck

After I built a sawbuck I was watching a movie.  In front of a remote woodland cabin in the Russian wilderness was a sawbuck.  I never would have noticed it before I had my own.  I’ll probably start seeing them everywhere now. It was the same when I built a...

Making a Luffa Sponge

This year was a first for many things in the garden.  Probably the most dramatic new addition was the luffa gourds. They got off to a bad start.  Soon after sprouting, they disappeared entirely one night.  Chipmunks?  Alien abduction? So I planted more.  They soon...

A Very Seedy Dishcloth

Another breeze of a knit.  Easy and fast.  This was done while the children were couch-jumping and trying their best to make off with my pattern book. This is a reversible seeded rib. I love the scrunchiness of the ribbing and how easy it is to memorize the pattern so...

Trompe l’oeil Rain Barrel Tutorial

I had a lot of options and a lot of ideas when it came to painting the seriously blue plastic barrel we were converting into a rain barrel. I thought of flowers or butterflies (or both), but when it was suggested I paint the thing to look like a barrel, well, that...

Grapevine Wreath Bird Feeder

If you’ve ever been torn between the desire to tidy up the dead seed heads of spent summer blooms and the knowledge that you would be taking away a food source for wild birds, this is a project that will give you (and the birds) the best of both worlds. Trim back...

Andalutheean Knitted Dishcloth

The latest in my so-easy-you-can-knit-with-swarming-kids dish/washcloth series.  If you can knit and purl, you can knit this hanging upside down from the monkey bars. The name . . . I have friends who speak Castilian Spanish and I love the way they pronounce some of...