Got To Be Starting Something

When I was growing up in the country we had pit bull dogs. They were good dogs and they loved to play tug o’ war. I would get a stout piece of rope with a knot on each end and the pup would take one knot and I’d take the other and he would nearly pull my...

Olive’s First Winter

  After seeing an olive tree at the local botanic garden, I bought a small tree of my own and gave her a place of honor at the center of the main garden. I picked an Arbequina olive tree, a Spanish variety that is self-fertile, fruits early (2-4 years), and is...

Backyard Orchard Culture

This year, like every year, I caved in to the desire to buy more plants, edible plants. I believed that between the time I ordered them and the time they arrived for their dormant season planting, new sunny places in my yard would appear to welcome them. There would...

And It Isn’t Even Winter Yet

As the weather cools, my world closes in. I begin the hibernation process as soon as the first frost wipes out the tender perennials. By the time the hard freezes have arrived I am a virtual stranger to my garden, only venturing out on the sunniest of days when the...

Still Worth It DIY: Herbs and Animals

  Of all the low hassle animals in the world, chickens are the top.  They eat the leftovers.  They make eggs.  No food is wasted in our house, ever.  My kids are free to never clean their plate, because we have chickens. Also, still worth it, mini-goats.  No, we...

I May Have Grown & Eaten a Parsnip

It’s also possible I grew and ate something else, in which case it has been great knowing all of you. You may ask how I could do such a thing? How could I grow something and not know what it is AND how could I eat something without knowing what it was? The...