
Of the three Buff Orpingtons in our flock, two of them look like this: But here’s the third one: They are 19 weeks old and supposed to be all hens. No eggs yet so I can’t tell from that. The rooster-y one is the same size as the other “hens,”...

Pleurisy Root

Pleurisy root. Milkweed. Butterfly weed. asclepius tuberosa. The same plant that hosted monarch butterflies and bees this summer is getting uprooted. Not to worry, I have plenty to spare.  I’ve learned that, in addition to being the plant for monarchs, butterfly...

Purpose-Challenged Plants

Calling them “weeds” seems dismissive. After all, they have their own identities and uses. I just have no idea what they are. This seems like a waste so I’m on a mission to give a name to these flora in my yard. I have a feeling I’m going to be...

Keeping Warm

If it snows anything like it has been raining in my neck of the woods this year, we are in for a lot of power outages. Ice is all twinkly and everything and goodness knows there’s nothing like a good snowball fight, but there’s very little fun associated...

What is This Thing?

It’s very fancy. A little bit of Carnivale in my backyard. I have no idea what it is.  I think it came in a packet of Fedco mixed salad greens, but, of course, it could have been dropped from the heavens by a tropical bird. Something like this: Compared to the...

I Could Write THAT!

When people start thinking towards writing a kids’ book, especially a picture book, this is one of the first things that goes through their minds. But, so you don’t make as big a fool of yourself as I did, or get as disappointed as I did when you send off...