
We don’t use the R-word.  It’s a super-mouse.  Or now super-mice.  And it’s all my fault.  Three guesses what’s in those well-sealed buckets and coolers. Something that was in a paper bag that I wondered how all the grains were...


After my first aerogarden herb crop–I’ve had trouble growing anything else in there.  But, since we’re past lettuce season, I decided to give it another try.  So far, the five middle cells work, but the two outer ones are still duds. And that nifty...

Three Sisters Woes Continue

A while back I predicted abject failure from my Three Sisters planting of corn, pole beans, and squash. None of my dire predictions came true, but we still got trouble. The plants themselves have grown well. The corn is tall and tasselling out. The beans are growing...

Ivory’s Garden Flop-o-rama

Remember when I said that you have to have homemade or, like, five bags of different composts in your raised beds? Well, I know, because this year I didn’t do it! I have NEVER had to fertilize my garden or anything else I’ve grown. But I got lazy. I put in...

Three Sisters Flop Alert

Who knew the Three Sisters method of planting corn, beans, and squash would get so much press all of the sudden? From community education gardens to the White House, everybody and his dog is planting a Three Sisters garden.How can I put a new spin on it that will make...