Weed Flower ID: The Results Show

Round One:  White clover, FALSE DANDELION (thank you, commenters), purple clover, fleabane, narrow leaf plantain. I found this great site about plant uses called Eat the Weeds.  Here are the files on each of these guys. White Clover, not poisonous in general.  Also,...

Pre-made Coop, not worth it

Remember that coop? 12 months later…. The ramp fell off the first week, but we didn’t worry.  Hens easily leap a foot up.  But now it seems like it was an omen. Thoughts? Seriously!

Weed Flower ID, Please?

As I said before, our goats passed and we have been avoiding our yard. We don’t want to mow. And, if you’ve been on this site for a few years, you know that we LOVE plant and bug identification. I couldn’t catch the cool zebra-looking dragonfly with...

New book in GERMAN!

Our book is now available in GERMAN.  We are international, folks. If you speak German, this book is for you! It should be noted that the cover image of me with the goat was taken by DAISY.  She is now an international cover photographer.  She’s so fancy!...

New Potato Harvest

For pure, childlike, visceral pleasure, no garden task beats digging potatoes. You stick a fork in loamy soil and tight-skinned, waxy nuggets of red and tan and gold and maybe even blue pop out and spill onto the surface. They dangle like baubles when lifted by the...

I’m in USA Today!

RIGHT HERE! I have a new picture book, Beach House, from Chronicle.  Didn’t the illustrator do an AMAZING job? How cute is that? And this? If you need the perfect summer book, I highly recommend this one by Amy June Bates…and me.  Ha! Here are the reviews...