Fruit Bagging Experiment Results

A while back, I decided to try bagging one of the three Asian pears my tree successfully produced this year. I wanted to see if it made any difference in pest damage prevention. Here are the results: This is the unbagged pear: There’s no internal damage, no...

Gearing Up For Gifting: Suggestions, Please

I’m getting into the gift-making spirit. My favorite type of gift is homemade, and I love gift baskets, as evidenced by the entire chapter on homemade gift baskets in our book. However, as much as I love those ideas, I like changing them up a bit every year. I...

Home Farm Finds and Neat Stuff

It’s time to check out a few Labor Day sales in luscious yarn, southern grapes, my favorite cheesemaking supplies, and my new favorite pastime. Hint: it has nothing to do with labor: Down on the farm thoughts are turning to knitting, but it’s still too hot...

Why Is Everything Round?

As I looked at today’s harvest of passionfruit, eggs, figs, and (not in the pic), muscadines, I couldn’t help but think about the roundness of it all; four very different things, none of them perfectly spherical, but definitely on the rounded end of...

Home Farm Finds And Neat Stuff

If you’d like to save a little money on seeds for next spring, now’s the time a lot of seed companies are slashing prices. Many seeds save very well for years, but only if you do it the right way. Here are some good seed-storing tips from Rodale. And here...

To Electric-Fence or Not To Electric-Fence?

When I was a kid, my dad strung an electric fence around our horse pasture. It was seldom electrified, so I suppose the horses learned pretty quickly to avoid it. I don’t ever remember the horses getting out, so I’d call it a success. I will also never...