A Wager

How much do you bet the theoretically red-bloomed verbena on the left don’t make it? I thought they’d rally once I got them in the ground. Maybe….maybe not. Place your bets. Ivory

Climbing versus Clinging

This is a literal flop. That’s about 150 pounds of rose on the ground, I’m guessing. Erect, it reaches 20 feet. It’s not suspended off the ground in that arch you see. There’s just that much plant piled underneath it. It broken two well secured...

Mama, my syrup is crunchy!

What happens when you’re making syrup for your kids’ pancakes and you let the the stuff cook for, like, ever? MAPLE CANDY. I had never done this before, but when I poured it into the bowl we spoon from, it wouldn’t ‘pour.’The kids...

Microwave Squash Explosion

I blew a flat. I properly vented the thing, but when I squished it after 15 minutes, I thought it still felt 100% hard. So I popped it in for five more minutes and it blew it’s guts all over the place. This pic is even after some cleaning. My fav is the pieces...

Cucumber Soap

This…. …is a very bad sign. That’s my week old soap clinging to my knife. Hovering above the ping-pong table, like, a foot. Cookie dough soap. And not the cookie smelling kind. The cookie FEELING kind. Watch this… Oh, that’s not good....

Home Brew

This, my friends…. …is the worst beer you’ve ever had. I brewed it myself. I followed the directions. It’s HORRIBLE. I had JUST POURED it when I took this picture. See any fizz? And let me tell you, it’s bitter as a third place beauty...