Tiger Swallowtail

  The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is the state butterfly of many states, especially in the southeastern US. They seem abundant this year. Or maybe I’ve been seeing the same pair over and over again. Either way, they’re welcome here. They float high over...

Black Swallowtail

I’ve been wondering for some time whether or not the single clump of bronze fennel I grow in my garden has been earning its keep. I don’t really cook with it, and it has grown so large, stretching over six feet tall and several feet wide, at one end of the...

How I Kill Voles

I thought of titling this post How I Catch Voles, to avoid the use of the word kill, but the truth is, I don’t capture them and release them to the wild. I don’t enjoy vole-icide, but when, the other day, I went into the garden and saw practically an...

Cucumber Beetles

Year before last, I had so many cucumbers I didn’t know what to do with them.   I collected baskets and baskets and made dozens of jars of relish, pickles, and jelly.  Just kidding, I didn’t make cucumber jelly. But I was tempted. Then last year, I...


The other day I was hanging out in my potato patch, just watching lady beetle larvae crawl all over the place.  I turned over a leaf and saw this: The photo isn’t very good, and it’s hard to describe what’s going on in it, but it seemed like there...


Our yard and garden has been crawling with these tiny, alligator-y, black and orange critters. Do you know what they are? How about this? How about now? The first photo is the larval stage of the lady beetle. The second pic shows the pupa of the same. Of course, in...