Gardening with Straw Bales

Homesteader’s Supply got such a rush of questions about straw bale gardening, that they wrote us a tutorial! Something to keep in mind when considering gardening with straw bales, make sure you purchase straw and not hay bales… hay will get too hot in the...

Make Your Own Nifty Seed Tape

Seed tape is one of those things people have a strong opinion about.  Either you love it and think it sounds very useful, or you think:  Seriously?  Seed tape? I was one of the latter until recently when I realized how easily I could make my own seed tape,...

Summer Gardening for Everyone!

The following is a guest post from this week’s giveaway vendor, Homesteader’s Supply! The folks at Homesteader’s Supply often work with people struggling to be more self sufficient yet constrained by job, location, physical ability and so much more. One...

Raising Your Own Seedlings

The following is a guest post by Nev and Linda Sweeney from the wonderfully informative site Under the Choko Tree. Why bother? There are a whole stack of reasons why it is worth raising your own seedlings rather than just buying them – It’s very satisfying and...

Plant a Fairy Garden

One of my favorite early childhood memories is searching for acorn cups for the little creatures who inhabited the imaginary world in the woods behind my house.  I dug caves for them under the moss and built “log” cabins and fences out of twigs. I won’t say how long...

How To Make a Patio Pond in a Day

Have you had your eye on an expensive water feature for your back yard patio? Water features are a great way to add visual interest to your back yard, and can help provide a calming oasis for you and your family to relax next to after a long day. Water features,...