Half-time DIY: The Body Care Review

I have been in love with the smell of Ivory Soap since college, so no matter how hard I try, I just can’t quit loving it, even in favor of something I make myself.  So, for body and laundry, I still buy it rather than using my own homemade version.  For GIFTS,...

Interview with a Herbalist, Part 2

This is the second half of my interview with English herbalist Paula Normandale. I try growing more medicinal herbs each year.  However, I don’t always know what to do with them, which is one reason I’m happy to bring Paula into our realm.  My main method...

Interview with a Herbalist

One of the best parts of blogging is the people you “meet” along the way, irrespective of geographical and other barriers.  One of those people is Paula Normandale.  She is an English herbalist and she has been helping me find my way through this...

Making Rosemary Tincture

Continuing my tincture-making spree, I made rosemary tincture. Rosemary is an herbal powerhouse.  It contains antioxidants, known to combat free radicals. I’d heard about free radicals and antioxidants forever, but never knew quite what they were so I looked it...

Making Turmeric Tincture

I’ve been on a tincture rampage lately. I suppose it’s fear-based. Fear of wintertime illnesses, nemeses that steal weeks of otherwise productive, if chilly, pursuits, replacing them with hacking cough/mouth-breathing misery. Also, I ain’t getting...

Body Care Essentials: 8 DIY Products

Over the years doing this blog, I’ve done lots of research on DIY products.  Now, my daily ablutions are all taken care of with homemade products…’cept the cotton swabs and toothbrushes! In the Shower Baking Soda solution in old rubbing alcohol...