Cinder Block Compost Bins

What can you do with:a gillion cinderblocksan ever-growing piles of organic trashan ugly hidden part of the yard begging for a purposeSomething so ugly and at the same time so beautiful….Here are the pdf instructions for constructing this bad boy, minus the...

Quick, Natural, Head-to-Toe Clean

Shampoo and body wash, like all synthetic detergents, work equally well in hard and soft water. The problem is that it’s expensive and rips the oils out of your hair. Hence the need for conditioner–to cover up the oil-stripping-damage done by the...

Quick Stick Deodorant

In the DIY world of home health and beauty products, deodorant seems to be the the most feared replacement. Stinking is NOT OKAY in our culture, right? But aluminum crammed in your pores cannot be good for you, and it seems in recent years that store-bought deodorant...

Ivory’s Ivory Rebatch

Last week, TL acquainted you with the perils of remilling homemade soap. In that article, she mentions that ‘tallow’ soap is easier to rebatch. Well guess what’s the first ingredient in Ivory Soap? Sodium Tallowate. Which mean saponified (soapified,...

Homemade Sunscreen

Just in time for winter! Sunscreen recipe! My timing might not be particularly awesome. On the other hand, the sun does shine year round. (Although it isn’t making much of an appearance here today). This recipe makes a sunscreen that contains emollient...