Building a Cold Frame

I am not absolutely sure what to do with a cold frame, but here I am building one. The man at the lumberyard cut some of the cypress I wanted for my raised beds too short, so I bought the extra, mis-cut pieces at fire sale prices. They were really too short for much...

Build a Garden Cubby

I built a box to store small garden tools and supplies: gloves, garden knife, twine, secateurs, etc. I am that peculiar kind of lazy which would rather spend days fashioning such a box than go back into the house for a pair of scissors. It is shaped like a shed with a...

Add PVC Hoops To Raised Beds

I don’t think a raised vegetable bed is complete without hoops. They provide a neat, removable/interchangeable framework for: plastic sheeting to create greenhouse conditions for germinating seedlings and to guard against cold weather and punishing downpours...