See those aphids? They killed that plant. But I mixed up some voodoo and I haven’t seen one since.

Allium Tea
6 cloves garlic
1 onion
1qt warm water
3T liquid soap* (not detergent)

Buzz first three in blender. Add soap. Steep overnight and strain. Spray directly on bugs as a killer or use in the mix below.

*If you don’t have homemade or Liquid Ivory handy, just blend a bar using the technique in this post (minus the oil) or melt it using the technique in this or this post.

Bug-Away Spray
1 fertilizer hose end attachment
1c liquid soap (not detergent)
1c allium tea
1c antiseptic mouthwash*

Fill hose end attachment. Set for 20 gallons. Hose down plants every two weeks, after any rain, or just when you feel like hacking off some bugs. This makes enough to probably last you through the summer.

*Mine has worked fine even without the mouthwash.

Now, if you’re a fan of companion planting, I recommend this: Put all ingredients except the allium tea in the hose end attachment. Do the asparagus, garlic, and legumes with that. Then add the cup of allium tea and spray the rest.

If you get hooked on mixing potions and want to be up to your eyeballs in them, this book and this book are my two favorites.
