Gourds (squash, cucumbers, zucchini) are one of the few families that play well with other members of their own family.

However, squash get the worst bugs imaginable: Squash Vine Borers and Squash Beetles. (That’s why they’re not in my Beginner Garden Plan at all.)

So, placement of beneficial plants is VERY IMPORTANT. I don’t care if you like radishes. Plant some anyway! They help with the bugs.

Here’s what you need:

A 4×4 box with weed blanket
5 bags potting soil
5 bags of different composts (discussion of the above items here and this book)
1 tarp
1 bunch onion sets
1 pkg corn*
1 pkg pole beans
1 pkg cucumbers
1 pkg chard
1 pkg petite marigold
1 pkg radishes
1 pkg zucchini
1 pkg pumpkin
1 pkg dill

*You need to give the corn weeks of lead time so there’s something to climb. If you want to plant it all in one day, just buy some string, short nails with a good head on them (not finishing nails), and four tall, cheap, wooden tomato stakes. I’ll explain how to assemble those at the end.

Get the $.20 pkgs if you like. The rest will have way too many seeds inside to use this year. But if you do get the bigger pkgs, be sure to store them properly for next year.

1. Assemble weed blanket under box. And mix dirt and compost on a tarp.

2. Fill box with dirt and water till it’s damp to the bottom.

3. With your finger or a yard stick (what have you) divide the bed in half both ways. Continue dividing evenly until you have 16 equal squares.

4. Poke 1/2″ deep holes in dirt thusly:

North Side

5. Put two seeds in each hole according to the above charts and cover.

6. Water tomorrow, the day after, and as needed after that.

7. Encourage your squashes to spill out over the sides of the box rather than creep in to the center and crowd everyone. Watch daily for squash bugs and consider an organic spray to keep away the borers.

*To set up some strong supports for your beans and cukes without the corn having a serious head start, pound a tall tomato stake in deep behind each of the four ‘climber’ squares. Put a nail in the top of each post and in the side of the bed–two for the cuke squares and nine for the beans (without the corn you have room for more than four beans. Tie strings between the nails thusly:
You might have to coax the plants to the right destination originally, but they should climb up vine on their own after that.
