Going green in midsummer isn’t just about buying locally grown produce and keeping your lawn free from chemicals. If you’re really eco-smart, you’ll be putting up locally grown produce for the fall and winter.
In January, those sorry winter tomatoes trucked from the other side of the country start to look pretty tempting, unless you have some fabulous flavorful summer tomatoes already tucked away.
But whenever I hear people talking about home preserving, they always say the same thing: “I really want to learn to can tomatoes, but I don’t have the equipment or the time.”
Read the full article HERE!
Hi Deanna, I just canned my first tomatoes. I “put up” four jars! I usually can in small batches and also do your freezing method in the article, in small batches. So, both the freezer shelves and the pantry shelves are full (or will be full after the seasons are over!).