by Daisy | Jun 24, 2012 | Fencepost, Work-Alongs
When last we left Idee, on day 16, she was running around the coop, off her eggs. The other hens were trying to get her goose, but she was holding her own. I was in a state, searching the chicken forums for what to do. Should I put her in the dog crate with...
by Daisy | Jun 24, 2012 | Fencepost, Work-Alongs
Brownie When last we left Idee, on day 16, she was running around the coop, off her eggs. The other hens were trying to get her goose, but she was holding her own. I was in a state, searching the chicken forums for what to do. Should I put her in the dog crate with...
by Daisy | Jun 19, 2012 | Fencepost, Work-Alongs
To catch everyone up, so far we’ve made decisions about our bins and compostable materials, assembled the bins and materials, and layered our materials in our bins. We’ve made sure every layer was well-moistened and tried our best to achieve a good...
by Daisy | Jun 18, 2012 | Fencepost, Reviews
Most of what I read is purely practical these days. Not much deep philosophy. It’s hard to fit in between all-day canning sessions, compost turning, and refereeing less-than-philosophical debates like “that’s my cheap plastic doohickey-no...
by Daisy | Jun 15, 2012 | Fencepost, Work-Alongs
–continued from here– We continued to wait. Idee continued to set. She’d already been broody a good couple of weeks before the hatching eggs arrived. Now that she was on “real” eggs, she seemed more determined than ever to see this...
by Ivory Soap | Jun 14, 2012 | Fencepost, Flops
The picture says it all. It was ALL BAD, y’all. I think my first mistake was the WHITE WHOLE WHEAT. I had the same problem with the homemade pizza crust (the yeasty version, not the bake mix-biscuity version that never fools anyone.) My husband is an old...