Home Farm Finds and Neat Stuff

This week’s thoughts turn to early preparation for fall and winter gardening. I know, I know, it seems like we just kissed last winter good-bye and good riddance, and we’ve got a good bit of summer left, but to get a jump on fall gardening it takes some...

Too Much of a Good Thing

Of course it’s wrong. It’s misguided. It lacks discipline and demonstrates poor planning, shows impulse control and neglect. I’m letting passionfruit vines take over my yard even though I know it will end badly. This vine is establishing a...

Book Review: The Unsettling of America

This is a book I’m ashamed to admit I only recently read. The Unsettling of America was published in 1977, which means I could have read it as a child, again as a teenager, a young adult, and many times throughout my adulthood, and it would have probably changed...

The Home Farm Breakfast Game

This morning, after a couple of hours of weeding, I was starving so I decided to play one of my favorite games: Breakfast From The Yard. It’s exactly what it sounds like: See how much of my entire breakfast I could harvest out of my suburban yard. Garden...

I’m Being Overtaken By Weeds

Great garden weather and all. But it also means great weed weather. When the phone repairman was here, he briefly considered digging a trench to put in a whole new underground line all the way to the house and looked down a long bed between the back fence and a row of...