by Daisy | Jun 13, 2016 | Conversation, Fencepost
It seems like yesterday when I planted this sunflower fort, but it was really only mid April. Less than 2 months later, the sunflowers have grown up over my head. With the tropical-like rains we’ve had, interspersed with plenty of sun, all the plants in the...
by Daisy | Jun 9, 2016 | Fencepost, Flops
I bought a pineapple guava plant through the mail. I was lured by promises of tropical beauty and exotic flavor. It was around midnight, and I had fallen down an internet rabbit hole of off-the-beaten-path edible shrubs, vines, and other fantastical fruits. My eyes...
by Daisy | Jun 6, 2016 | Conversation, Fencepost
It’s been a practically perfect spring for gardening. Plenty of rain, but not too much rain except for about a week there when we wondered if we should start looking for a source for gopher wood. Everything is blooming or fruiting, so I took some pictures of...
by Daisy | Jun 2, 2016 | Conversation, Fencepost
It all started with a sad day, a walk of hope. I wrote about it here. It ended with a bumper crop of passion fruit, not a bad outcome, at all. That passion fruit I planted is back, with a vengeance. The thing is, it moved. It moved underneath the fence, to the...
by Daisy | May 26, 2016 | Conversation, Fencepost
First for the win: I have delicious carrots! I have dozens of beautiful carrots, all in a row. I used seed tape, store-bought this time, although you can make your own. I kept them watered, almost daily, which I think is the secret, along with loose, rich soil and a...
by Ivory Soap | May 20, 2016 | Conversation, Fencepost
A lush green lawn is the perfect welcome mat for your home. But despite your best efforts, it’s not always easy to keep it in top shape. Bare spots, or weak, thinning or patchy grass can appear seemingly overnight due to compacted soil, poor drainage, weed...