Guess What? Chicken Butt!

You know how some people say to “leave it on the field” or “leave it on the dance floor?”  My chicken left it “in the yard.”  Her chicken butt, that is. If you’ve never been awakened by a screaming 13 yr old at 5:30 AM,...

What A Face

We brought the buns home last night. They’re getting settled in, getting more than their fair share of cuddles. More photos later, and a pic of the other sister soon. During this photo shoot she was napping in the hidey box so I left her alone. But seriously,...

1000 New Pets

As I write this, I can hear the sound of newspaper being ripped in long, thin strips in the next room. According to the USPS Tracking system, 1000 of my newest pets have already arrived at my local post office and are probably being sorted and loaded on a mail truck...

Rabbit Hutch Progress

The rabbit hutch is coming along. Its basic carcass is plywood and 2x2s, plus the Curb Whisperer rescued a bunch of old cedar fencing and I’m using it for siding and for the door. It’s got that “old barn” feel. All we need is a roof, a floor,...

New Additions to the Farm

Having a blog with a blog partner is great. I can safely say we couldn’t do it without each other. I, Daisy, am technologically disastrous, have no sense of organization, and truly cannot/will not research and devise any formulae more complicated than pancake...