picture from Tomatocasual.com

Sometimes our plants go yellow. Or brown on the leaf edges. Or just generally unhappy in a well-watered, pest-free, yet-some-how-still-unhappy way.

The plant is probably hungry.

You can go CRAZY trying to figure out if it’s missing calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, what-have you, OR you can just use this:

Veggie Plant Food
(Enough for 100 square feet of garden)

1 can beer
6oz water
1/2c fish emulsion
2T liquid soap
4T Epsom salts

Put it in a hose end attachment and set it for 6oz per gallon. Use it all, every two weeks. Cannot be stored.

**Note, you aren’t “watering” with this solution. The mix disappears to quickly. It’s a spray for the leaves. If you water with it, you’ll end up fertilizing 16 square feet and nothing else. If you want to water with it, just set your sprayer to deliver much less.


P.S. If the fishy smell is too much, substitute kelp for the fish emulsion. Should be on the same shelf at your store.